On Sunday, I took the time to weed my gardens. I hoed around the rows of beans, corn, potatoes, peas, squash and cucumbers. My grandmother said she fertilized them and that we were going to have another week of rain showers.
Here, I have Cushaw, cucumbers, potatoes, pumpkins, and peas growing amongst one another.

On this end of the garden, beans and corn are growing in long rows that I tilled a couple of weeks ago.
My other garden has become quite the cilantro forest. This seems to be my most difficult garden this year as nothing seems to be flourishing here. I planted and sowes a plethora of radish and lettuce seed, but it has fizzled out fast. I haven't been able to harvest hardly any greens or radishes this year, so that's a bummer.
I also planted lots of tomatoes and peppers amongst the garden beds so I'm hoping these do well at least as the hot summer has come full force.
One thing that is making me hopeful for this year's garden harvest is the fruit from the trees this year. For the first time I have the plum and nectarine trees fruiting this year. Amongst these, the peach and pear trees are also growing decent sized fruits already.
I was worried the birds would have already picked the blueberries, as these have grown large and in big cluster this year. My hope is that these are also very fruitful and I can actually harvest them before th birds get these AND all of the blackberries I am also growing.
What's weird, is that I have completely neglected my fruit trees and fruit bushes this year. I have not weeded nor mulched or composted around them at all! But, they seem to be doing just fine!
Finally, I have arranged my house plants on an outdoor shelf that I have situated on the porch. This actually helps my cacti to avoid getting scorched by the sun when they're on a shaded porch on dark plastic shelving. And now that we have entered the month of June, I can keep the houseplants outdoors where it is hot and humid--jusy how they like it!