Sunday, May 15, 2022

May Garden: seed sowing & re-mulching garden

It's been one month since my last post; and I've been trying something new in my garden. This is one of my gardens that I have mainly been working in. 

For the last 3 days, I have been re-mulching my potato mounds and mounds of brassicas and leafy greens. 

After re-mulching my spring garden, I have been sowing the seed of my summer garden.  I tilled another patch, added fencing and hoes rows and mounds of soil in the garden. Cucumber seed, pumpkin, butternut, acorn, zucchini, and cantaloupe were sown in the mounds. My grandparents jokingly call these mounds, graves. They do look a little...disturbingly like a pet cemetery...

On a lighter note, most of the varieties of veg that I wanted to sow have been planted in these mounds and rows. I still have beans to sow, but I feel good about waiting a week. It's supposed to rain all week here- which is great for the all the seeds I've sown this week.

 I have corn and okra plants up the garden, which I also mulched around and placed fencing around. At my apartment, I have tomato seedlings growing strong; and these will soon be transplanted to the garden here. From my apartment, I brought over my broccoli seedlings to the garden. I have these acclimating in the garden- and I will transplant alongside the tomato transplants.