Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 30th 2014 Garden Update & How to SAVE WATER

I have recently put together a list of ways to save on water here. Fortunately, Kentucky has got several feet of rain in the last few days. Because of this, my greens have shot up beautifully. The kale, spinach and lettuce have finally developed their fourth leaves.

Five rows of greens and peas in the sixth row

Iceberg lettuce

Kale, best when eaten young

Spinach, best when  eaten young

I have taken the opportunity to save the water from these rains as well. My grandma collected rain water with many containers she had lying around, like jugs. I bought two more Rain Barrels to add to my collection, a total of five Rain Barrels. I even used clothes tubs and buckets to collect rain. These are small ways to save water. I find that using rain to water your plants helps them grow better than using tap water. Rain water is natural and free!

Tub of water

Free, found barrel to use for water collection

(typical) Rain Barrels
It is not uncommon for drought weather during the Summer, so these extra expenses for rain collection systems will be beneficial for preparation. Last year we were fortunate to have a wet year, not needing to save much rain water. However the year before (my first year of gardening) became dry during the Summer, hurting many of my Squash and cucumber plants.

My grandma's ways of water collection

Trash cans & buckets used for collecting rain

In addition, I transplanted the rest of the cantaloupe and watermelon into Styrofoam cups. Then I planted 50+ watermelon seeds in small containers. Then I planted 100+ Zucchini and Squash seeds.
Melons transplanted to larger containers

Peppers and watermelons planted in starter trays

200+ Squash seed planted in (free) starter trays

200+ Squash seed planted in (free) starter trays

At this point, I am waiting for the ground to dry after these (much needed) rains, and I have been watering all of my starter plants. After the ground dries I will be back to tilling, shoveling, and having fires on the gardens. In several days I will be able to directly sow beans, corn, and cucumbers in my garden!

Here is a beautiful Tulip from my Grandparent's flower garden,

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