Saturday, April 9, 2022

Early Spring Garden: Flowers & Veggies in April

Things are happening in the gardens! The flowers are making a splash, the daffodils, hyacinths, tulips, and grape hyacinths. When these bloom, along with the Redbud trees, you know it's time to plant your cold crops! 

I have planted broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce, pansies, and potatoes. For these, I tilled, then hoed large mounds and then applied mulch to each mound. From there, I transplanted seedlings in the mulch. For frost and freeze protection, I affixed plastic hoop pipe over each mound then covered with clear plastic sheeting. Simple as that! 

Additionally, I have potatoes in garden mounds and covered with mulch, to keep some warmth and moisture retained to help them grow. In the pictures, you'll notice that I have put tobacco sticks on those potato mounds- this is an effort to keep all of my grandma's cats out.

This is just the beginning stages of the Spring garden, I have more pounds of potatoes to plant and directly sow some radishes, carrots, kale, spinach, and lettuces. Stay tuned! 

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