Tuesday, December 18, 2012

COB BUILDING (Straw, clay, & Sand for building DREAM EARTH HOME)

Are you interested in a home made of materials from under your feet? Do you want a house that costs less than a car or a computer? Would you rather have a home sculpted from clean, Earth materials than a home made of toxic, commercial products? Of course you do!
Below I have posted some of my favorite videos from Youtube that talk about how to make INEXPENSIVE DREAM HOMES made of the cleanest materials (straw, clay, and sand.) These videos are to urge you to want to build a home of natural materials (rather than toxic plastic walls, fiberglass insulation, and other flammable products.) Homes made of clay (blended with straw/sand) are fire-resistant, bug-proof, earthquake and tornado-safe; and can be mended and shaped easily if it needs restructured. Clay is also abundant and common in most regions.

picture source here from Lloy'd Blog
You can sculpt your dream home with the cheapest and most abundantly available materials (around you) while adhering to nature's design. The Earth wants us to use her resources in the most natural state in order to provide for ourselves.
The four videos presents Michael G Smith (co-author of "The Hand-sculpted House"). He explains exactly what I want to do with my home: