Tuesday, April 29, 2014

9 year Vegan Anniversary

I remember having shrimp for the first time and feeling disgusted with my decision to eat animal flesh after understanding the cruelty. That day, the first Sunday in April, I stopped eating animal flesh and became vegetarian. I am certain that I was vegetarian for several days to a week before Veganism.
After several days of vegetarianism, I realized I was contradicting my beliefs by continuing to have a milk and eggs in my diet with Ranch dressings, ice creams, and such. So towards the middle of April I stopped eating animal derived foods completely.
I also stopped using non vegan Shampoo, lotions, cleaners, detergents, cosmetics and many other products.

Looking back on what I ate the first few months of Veganism, I realize how uneducated and misinformed I must have been. Perhaps I was not given the proper foods because I was young and did not have much choice in the groceries. All in all I thank my Grandmother for helping me stick to my values through foods that allowed me to feel sustained.
Back in 2005 I was a Freshmen in High school, having to take my Breakfast and Lunch to school everyday. I ate bagels and Boca chicken patties for breakfast. Sometimes I would eat icing-less Pop Tarts, bananas and oranges and apples for breakfast. For Lunch I would eat peanut butter sandwiches, chips, Soy Turkey sandwiches. I think I had lots of salads at night and boxed Vegan meals.

I learned through my Grandmother how to eat healthy, whole, and much cheaper. My grandparents grew a large garden with lots of corn, potatoes, tomatoes, beans, and that's exactly what I ate everyday. I ate fresh vegetables that were lightly cooked or not cooked at all from the garden. My Grandma was used to making dairy-free desserts and breads due to my Aunt's allergies, so my Grandma made me dinner every night with fresh vegetables, Vegan breads, with Vegan desserts and fruits after our dinner meals.
Overall, I thank my Grandmother for teaching me how to eat. Actually I thank my Grandparents for influencing me to grow food and eat healthy! I remember I would eat several plates full of potatoes, carrots, peas, and other vegetables till I felt stuffed. Without my Grandparent's guidance teaching me to eat High Carbohydrate, I may have continued to eat high fat processed foods. Without my Grandparent's teaching me how to feel satiated with fruits and vegetables alone, I may have been unsuccessful.

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