Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Late June veggie & flower garden

Here are some photos from Sunday when I took pictures of the garden. This garden is at my grandparents. They try there best to maintain it for me since I don't live a mile from them anymore. Grandma waters, fertilizes and adds some soil to the cucumbers in grow bags and the potatoes in grow buckets. She has been fertilizing l, or what she calls "side dressing" the cushaw, tomatoes, corn, beans, and potatoes in the ground.

I have some cucumbers growing in the ground, but these are in the grow bags which I set up a trellis around.


Cucumbers in grow bags

Not pictured is the grow buckets of potatoes growing. Theres more than 20 buckets and grow bags with potatoes growing. Potatoes are also growing in the ground across from the beans.

Below are pictures of the rows of cushaw and some corn. I had sowed cucumbers and watermelon in the rows too amongst the corn and cushaw, but I'm not sure if they're growing. 

Cushaw, cucumber, melon, corn

Cushaw, cucumber, melon

Beside the cushaws, tomatoes are tied to tobacco sticks. 



Potatoes, tomaotes, corn

Beans and corn

The tomatoes are growing closely with the rows of corn. Across from the tomatoes and corn are the rows of beans. Varieties I planted were Half runners, Hidatsa, and Turkey craw. I have the tobacco sticks up to mark off rows for the beans but I still need to put up the fencing for them to grow.

Here are some rows of potatoes growing in the ground. 


Lastly, the flower gardens are looking beautifully vibrant despite a hog infiltrating the flower gardens last week. Here are a few pictures that I took Sunday on Fathers day.


Wildflower garden

Bee balm

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