Monday, March 23, 2015

March growing Spring garden tour (video)

I showed you the many Cabbage plants growing underneath the plastic bottles. From several days ago, nearly half of the Cabbage starters died. Many of them were weak and it was to be expected. To fill in the spots where Cabbage had died, I replanted Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli, and Cauliflower, and Lettuce starters.

The garden looks much more alive and well...

Hugel mounds growing mix of Lettuce, Brussels, broccoli, cauliflower starters & seeds
Onions growing with Cauliflower and Brussels

Brussels Sprouts

Broccoli plants

Cauliflower with onions
In small patches, Lettuce, Spinach, Kale, Collards, Radish, Turnip, and Kohlrabi were directly sown in the mulch layer of the Hugelkultur mounds. Of course I have heard tiny seeds will not sprout through mulch, which is why I made holes within the mulch to add fine garden soil. Each vegetable has 10-15 patches growing in between the starter plants. I planted these days about a week ago or less. In the following weeks or month, we expect to begin harvesting from the greens.

lettuce growing

"Georgia" Collards

buttercrunch variety

red leaf lettuce grown from bottom


For a detailed view of the Spring garden, watch the video posted below:

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