Tuesday, March 23, 2021

March Spring Flowers & Mulching Garden beds

On this March evening, it became warm and sunny. So, after work, I headed over to the nearby greenhouse to buy a scoop of mulch. Once I applied the mulch over each garden bed,  I snapped a couple of pictures of the daffodils and hyacinths that are blooming at the food forest garden. This garden is full of different types of daffodils.

In a couple of the garden beds, I still have kale, swiss chard, cilantro, onion, and strawberries growing. This kale as well as the other veggies have survived through the entire winter. They have a beautiful green color.

Each garden bed got a layer of mulch today, but it wasn't enough. I'll have to get a full scoop next time to cover around the fruit bushes, flower gardens, and fruit trees.

While spreading the mulch, we also had a fire, and dropped off the compost in the main compost pile. I recently added some carbon material to it, as well as old potting soil. Adding existing soil normally helps speed up the decay of these composting materials. 

When you have a day like today, you can't spare a moment. You must do all you can outside before there are longer days of gloomy weather. For every 1 warm, sunny day, there are 3 to 4 rainy, cold or cloudy days here. 

After today, we are expected to have another week of rain, but I'm going to try to plant some onion bulbs, peas, and radish seed in the garden Sunday. 

It is still quite cold at night. So, in April, I will be more inclined to plant some lettuces, and have decided to hold off on planting a lot of greens because of this. What makes it harder, is that I can longer regularly take off the transparent plastic every morning and cover plants at night which would protect them through the cold and frost. Because I am living on a different property now, a lot of my gardening tasks have been delayed, slowed or challenged in some way. But I digress! And so should you! Gardening is crucial, it is life, it is what gives me life. 

Remember to take rest, and sit on your porch in the sun with your libations and watch the sun go down. I had a mojito, haha!

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