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From 2009 to 2011, I was smoking and drinking heavily, consequently my face broke out severely in 2011. During this time I was stressed from school. The combination of stress, lack of sleep, alcohol, and cigarettes affected my hormones. Once I made the connection that these stressors elevated my hormones and promoted the cystic acne, I immediately stopped smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, and began eating green juices, green smoothies, fruit smoothies, raw vegetables, raw salads. Within a couple of months, my family noticed a drastic difference in my face.
Many of these plants and fruits can provide a specific skin or hair need. I do not mention it below, but I especially like using tomatoes on the face. Below I have listed many different foods that take care of specific skin and hair needs:
baking soda, oranges, lemons, limes, tomatoes, apples, onions and
garlic (sounds weird to use on the face, but they contain
antibacterial/antibiotic properties), strawberries, ALOE VERA
Toner: Apple cider vinegar, cucumber or celery juice
Exfoliate: Sea salt, sugar, cornmeal, oats, ground nuts, wheat germ, ground flax seeds
Calming/cooling: mint, oats, Aloe Vera, almond milk
Tighten skin: pineapple, persimmon, squashes, banana peel
Lighten dark spots: Lemon or pineapple
Tighten skin: pineapple, persimmon, squashes, banana peel
Lighten dark spots: Lemon or pineapple
Moisturizer: Oil (coconut, olive, walnut, etc), avocados, Aloe Vera, bananas
Toothpaste recipe: 2 tsp baking soda, 1 tsp cinnamon, 2 tsp water made into a paste and applied to teeth (credit: Eco Beauty by Cox & Cox
Your skin needs Vitamins A, C, E, B vitamins, and Selenium. Foods rich in Vitamin A are carrots, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, Swiss Chard. Those rich in Vitamin C are citrus fruits and tropical fruits. Get your B vitamins through Bananas. Get vitamin E through nuts and seeds. Your skin needs vitamin D as well, so be sure to catch some sun rays throughout the week outdoors. Overall, I recommend eating a fruit dominate diet with vegetables, tender leafy greens, and some grains, beans, nuts, seeds. If a food is good for you to eat, it is probably good for your skin too.